GlycanAge Test

Extraordinary rejuvenation of body and mind

Drinking Aǹalemma water literally adds years to your life. It not only slows down the ageing process, it actually reverses it.
To test the impact of Aǹalemma water on human health, we employed an extremely precise and thoroughly researched scientific method: GlycanAge.
The GlycanAge test very precisely determines your biological age (in contrast to your chronological age). It tells you how old you actually are, and therefore how healthy you actually are.

Rapid Recovery from Cell Phone Radiation

Even as little as two minutes of cell phone usage creates damaging spikes in our brain waves, let alone the radiation of several hours a day most people are exposed to.
As we know, water is a broadband absorber of electromagnetic fields, and this includes man-made electromagnetic waves from the telecommunications world. Water in our body absorbs this energy from the outside. The number of waves from cell phone towers is increasing all over the world, and this has an alarming effect on life everywhere. Since the water molecules in Aǹalemma water are in a coherent state, they enable rapid recovery from cell phone radiation almost instantly.
We believe coherent water will very soon become critical, an absolute essential, in the face of the extreme expansion of man-made electromagnetic waves on this planet. The quality of our life might depend on it.

Brainwave Synchronization

Aǹalemma water creates harmony in the brain.The brain is the most liquid organ in the human body; therefore water plays a crucial, major role in all of its functions. While testing the influence of Aǹalemma water on brain waves, we noticed that, within half an hour of subjects drinking the Aǹalemma water, an equilibrium occurred – a balancing between the left and right hemispheres of the brain. Using an EEG we noticed immediate positive effects of Aǹalemma coherent water in various parts of the brain. We also noticed that cellphone usage disturbs this delicate balance and creates disruptions in the brainwaves.
We applied the Aǹalemma water to cellphone users to find out whether it would restore the balance – and, lo and behold, within just a couple of minutes of drinking the water, the balance got restored. We even tested the influence of our coherent water on severely disturbed brainwaves, and the EEG always showed a calming effect on the brain.
Aǹalemma creates equilibrium in our bodies and our minds, and this reflects the fastest in our brains!

Coherent Mind and Body

We all strive to be connected with ourselves and everything around us in a meaningful way. Our ability to ‘perceive’ the information coming to us is crucial for creating the highest possible level of life for ourselves and our planet. Since 99% of our molecules are water, our ability to ‘perceive’ must lie in the water itself. The crystalline structure that Aǹalemma creates in the water enables your body to become a better ‘radio’. It opens up the pathways to making your body more conscious, more connected, more in tune with the harmonic rhythms of Nature.
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