Powerful revitalizing impact on the overall quality of life.

Aǹalemma is a tool that transforms regular tap water into its supercharged, full-spectrum, coherent state. In regular tap water, H2O molecules move in a chaotic and irregular manner. Through a simple process, Aǹalemma radically changes the state of water by rearranging the H2O molecules into a liquid crystalline structure. That structure, and its stability, have a remarkable influence on all living things.

Aǹalemma Tube

The Water Tube consists of a quartz crystal tube, with a stainless-steel handle, that is filled with full-spectrum coherent water®
It structures the molecules in the water you drink, so it creates coherence inside your body and mind.

How to use Aǹalemma

Frequenlty Asked Questions

How to use Aǹalemma
Take the Aǹalemma Water Tube out of the case and immerse the tube in the room temperature water. If you are using a regular glass (~250 ml), swirl the Aǹalemma Water Tube through the water for around 15-20 seconds. If you are using a water jug of 1 litre, swirl the Analemma Water Tube for at least 30-40 seconds. After use, wipe off the water drops from the Analemma Water Tube (with a cloth or a paper towel) and put it back in its case. You can use the ratios above to calculate the time of swirling for any larger or smaller quantity of water.
Can you use Aǹalemma on distilled or alkaline or mineralised water?
Yes, Aǹalemma can be used with any kind of room-temperature drinkable liquid. The same applies to mineral water, spring water, filtered water, etc.
Can you use Aǹalemma on juices, wine or beer?
Yes, you can use Aǹalemma on any room-temperature drinkable liquid. As long as it contains water, Aǹalemma will have an effect on it. To keep the wand in mint condition, make sure to rinse it with warm water after this type of use to wash off any remaining organic particles.
Is it necessary to expose the Aǹalemma to the sunlight?

In the years of studying the water, we found out a great connection between the water and the sun. The water on our planet changes electromagnetically every single day depending on the position of Earth towards the Sun.
It is not necessary to expose the Aǹalemma to the sunlight but it is recommended. If you live in an area where the sun is abundant expose the Aǹalemma to direct sunlight (not through the window) for a couple of minutes every other week.

Can I use Aǹalemma in hot tea?
We do not recommend it. Hot liquid can cause glass breakage. Just use Aǹalemma before you heat the water.
Can I use it in cooking?

Yes, just make sure that you don’t immerse Aǹalemma in hot liquid.

Can I water my plants with Aǹalemma water?

Yes, it is more than recommended. We had many people report many beneficial changes in the growth, size, quality, and yield of fruit, vegetables, and plants.

How long does the Aǹalemma tube last?
We repeatedly tested Aǹalemma in many ways and it never lost its ability to structure the water. Time doesn’t seem to have any influence. Aǹalemma is extremely stable, it stays in its coherent state virtually forever. You buy it once and it can last forever, as long as it is not damaged.
Once the water is treated with Aǹalemma, how long does it stay in the state of coherence?

For years. We tested the water, treated only once, four years later, and it still held its structure and its efficiency.

Can the tube be opened and the water be put directly on one’s skin?

No, DO NOT try to open the vial because you will not be able to use it anymore. Aǹalemma is intended exclusively for CREATING coherent water. After you treat the water with Aǹalemma you can use it any way you need.

How does Aǹalemma need to be stored?

Aǹalemma needs to be protected from falling, shaking, or being damaged in any way. Aǹalemma is very fragile so keep it safe and stored in a safe and secured place.

Can I bring my Aǹalemma quartz crystal tube through airport security?

Yes! To test the resistance of Aǹalemma Water to external forces, we exposed it to different types of radiation, including X-rays. We found no evidence of external influences having a destabilizing effect on Aǹalemma Water contained inside the vial. Exposure to radiation had no effect on Aǹalemma-treated water either.

How can the Aǹalemma Water affect regular water if it is enclosed in a Quartz crystal Tube?
For the coherent structure of the full spectrum coherent water contained inside the quartz crystal tube to be successfully copied to surrounding water molecules, the quartz crystal tube had to be designed in a specific way. During development, we tried out numerous materials before we found that quartz has a specific physical composition which allows a seamless transfer of energy between the inside and outside of the quartz crystal tube. The ultra-thin quartz quartz crystal tube holds the mother water inside, but at the same time allows the transfer of its coherent structure.
Can I treat reverse osmosis water with Aǹalemma?

Yes, reverse osmosis water can be treated with Aǹalemma! The same applies to mineral water, spring water, filtered water, etc.

If I add regular tap water in coherent water, will it all become coherent?

No, once you add regular water, it is necessary to stir Aǹalemma in the new body of water shortly, to treat all the water molecules.

Can I add minerals, vitamins or powder supplements to coherent water?

Yes, all of the aforementioned supplements can be added to coherent water without it losing its structure.

Can I store coherent water in plastic containers or only glass containers?

You can store coherent water both in the plastic and the glass container. The material will not affect coherent structure.

Does the direction of swirling make a difference?

The direction also does not influence the ability of Aǹalemma to create coherent water. We have tested both the speed of swirling, and the direction, and none of these parameters seems to influence the coherent state.

Does Aǹalemma remove toxins and heavy metals in water?

No, Aǹalemma is not a water filter. It creates a coherent structure, and it is recommended to combine Aǹalemma with a water filter, if possible, to further increase the quality of water.

Can I cool / heat up coherent water?

Yes, cooling down or heating up (to up to 65 degrees Celsius) will not affect the coherent structure.

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