FAQ about Aǹalemma​

What is Aǹalemma?
Aǹalemma is a tool which transforms regular water into its supercharged, full-spectrum, coherent state. In regular water, H2O molecules move in a chaotic and irregular manner. Through a simple process, Aǹalemma radically changes the state of water by rearranging the H2O molecules into a liquid crystalline structure. That structure, and its stability, has a remarkable influence on all living things.
What is Aǹalemma made of?
Aǹalemma coherent water tube consists of a slender quartz crystal tube that contains our proprietary full spectrum coherent water. Please refer to the leaflet in the box or usage instructions.
How is full spectrum coherent water different from normal water?
Full spectrum coherent water is water that is in alignment with harmonic or biological systems. Imagine that all the molecules in ordinary water are moving in a chaotic manner, and now they are made to move in a structured order. For a mental image, visualise how a diffused light wave can be concentrated into a laser that can even cut through materials. This process is somewhat similar, but with water.

Coherent water carries a certain energy. This water responds to positive and natural energy from outside, for example moving in tune with the lunar cycle. For another visual metaphor, have you seen how if a tuning fork moves, the other fork starts resonating? Coherent water behaves in the same way with the natural energy of the moon and the sun. Furthermore, our coherent water stays stable in this mode with time and does not revert to the chaotic mode.
Once the water is treated with Aǹalemma, how long does it stay in the state of coherence?
For years. We tested the water, treated only once, four years later, and it still held its structure and its efficiency.
I can see small particles inside the water. Is this a problem?

Small particles in the mother water inside the Analema Tube are occasionally seen in the products. This is a natural by-product of the structuring process. When regular water transforms into structured water, minerals in water get clustered together. And they show up as particles. The process to filter them out is a very expensive process and will surely affect the price of the product, and also the filtering process might disrupt the structure and coherence of the Mother Water, so we have decided to leave it inside as they are absolutely safe.

This does not affect the functioning in any manner. And since the Tube is sealed, there is no chance of these particles coming outside either. So that should reassure you of the safety of the product.

Does this treatment method use any chemicals?
No. This treatment method does not use any chemicals.
Is it the same as ionised water? How is it different from Alkaline water?
Coherent water does not deal with the pH levels of water. Hence it has no linkage to ionised or alkaline water. Instead, coherent water deals with the alignment of water molecules in a certain “crystalline” fashion and the way it carries energy.
Is coherent water treatment a method of filtration? How does it compare with commonly used filtration methods such as Reverse Osmosis (RO), Ultraviolet (UV) or other such methods?
No, coherent water treatment is not a method of filtration and does not remove microbes. Likewise, it does not affect any dissolved salts or fluorides either. So, the properties of hard or soft water are unaffected by our treatment. Users would need to use their own discretion on filtration based on the quality of the source water.
Has this method been scientifically proven?
We have developed this method of converting water to its coherent state after over twelve years of research and studies. We have conducted several experiments and tests to assess the effects of coherent water on biological systems. Our tests have consistently shown positive results and benefits from using coherent water versus normal water. The results have been seen both in plants and vegetables as well as in humans. Tests have also shown benefits in bricks and cement mortars, in terms of water usage efficiency and structural strength. For more details, you can refer to our Science page.
How is this different from other products in the market that offer structured water or Why should they buy this technology as compared to many others in the market?
Analemma full spectrum coherent water has unique features unlike any other technology or provider. We rely purely on natural sources of energy to alter the state of water, with no use of any external programming using magnets, silicon or glass or information feeding. Analemma water is full-spectrum water, it has a unique structure. Its particular structure has a powerful influence on all living things which have been proved through many different studies over the years. Secondly, Analemma coherent water remains stable over time. Most of the structured waters lose their stability within 5 minutes to a couple of hours. Analemma water holds its stability through the years, even though it is treated just once. Even when exposed to disturbances such as strong mobile radiation, the water structure returns to its coherent state in a short period.

General FAQ

How to use Aǹalemma Water Tube
Take the Aǹalemma Water Tube out of the case and immerse the tube in the room temperature water. If you are using a regular glass (~250 ml), swirl the Aǹalemma Water Tube through the water for around 15-20 seconds. If you are using a water jug of 1 litre, swirl the Analemma Water Tube for at least 30-40 seconds. After use, wipe off the water drops from the Analemma Water Tube (with a cloth or a paper towel) and put it back in its case. You can use the ratios above to calculate the time of swirling for any larger or smaller quantity of water.
Is it necessary to expose the Aǹalemma Water Tube to the sunlight?

It is not mandatory to expose the Aǹalemma Water Tube to the sunlight but it is recommended.

In the years of studying the water, we found out a great connection between the water and the sun. The water on our planet changes electromagnetically every single day depending on the position of Earth towards the Sun. We have seen that exposure to direct sunlight strengthens the water.

If you live in an area where the sun is abundant, expose the Aǹalemma Water Tube to direct sunlight (not through the window) for a couple of minutes every few days.

How does the Aǹalemma tube influence tap water to become coherent even though it is contained in a quartz crystal tube?

Aǹalemma Coherent Water Tube contains what we call “the mother water”. It is the water of extreme coherence and electromagnetic power. As soon as any H2O molecules come in close proximity to it they begin to rearrange into a liquid crystalline structure.

Should the coherent water treatment be done before RO or UV filtration or after?
It is preferable to apply our water treatment after the RO filtration, so that any disturbances to the structure of water during the filtration process are addressed by the coherent water treatment prior to your usage.
Does boiling water disturb the coherent structure of the water?
Yes, boiling does affect the structure of water, however our tests show that our treated water returns to its stable coherent state within around twenty minutes. Hence, we recommend that the treatment be done after the water is boiled and cooled.
Can coherent water be used in plastic bottles?
Yes, coherent water retains its properties irrespective of the material of the bottle or storage device. However, we advise usage of glass or steel or copper bottles instead of plastic. This is due to other factors related to the risk of toxins leaching into water from certain types of plastic.
Once we fill coherent water in a bottle, how long is the water safe to drink?
Our water retains its properties and stays stable over time. However, the safety of the water depends on the quality of the bottle material, and other factors such as bacterial growth in water.
How should the Aǹalemma Coherent Water Tube be stored?

Aǹalemma Coherent Water Tube needs to be protected from falling, shaking, or being damaged in any way. It is very fragile, so keep it safe and stored in a secured place, preferably always in its protective case.

Can the tube be opened and the water be put directly on one’s skin?
No, DO NOT try to open the tube because you will not be able to use it anymore. Analemma Water Tube is intended exclusively for CREATING coherent water. After you treat the water with Analemma Water Tube you can use it any way you need.
How long does the Aǹalemma Water Tube last?

We repeatedly tested the Aǹalemma Water Tube in many ways and it never lost its ability to structure the water. Analemma Water Tube is extremely stable, it stays in its coherent state virtually forever. We have tested it for effectiveness after many years and it works as intended. However, for purposes of performance guarantee, we provide that for a period of two years, which is the period that we tested it for.

Can I water my plants with Aǹalemma Water Tube water?
Yes, it is more than recommended. We had many people report many beneficial changes in the growth, size, quality, and yield of fruit, vegetables, and plants.
Can animals drink Aǹalemma water?

Yes, all animals drinking Aǹalemma water will have the same beneficial effects as humans.

Can children drink Aǹalemma Water Tube water?

Yes, water treated with Aǹalemma Coherent Water Tube can be used by children of any age.

Can I use it in cooking?
Yes, just make sure that you don’t immerse Analemma Water Tube in hot liquid.
Can I use Aǹalemma Water Tube in hot tea or coffee?

We do not recommend it. Hot liquid can cause glass breakage. Just use the Aǹalemma Water Tube before you heat the water.

Can you use Aǹalemma Water Tube on distilled or alkaline or mineralised water?
Yes, Aǹalemma can be used with any kind of room-temperature drinkable liquid. The same applies to mineral water, spring water, filtered water, etc
Can you use Analemma Water Tube on juices?
Yes, you can use Aǹalemma on any room-temperature drinkable liquid. As long as it contains water, Aǹalemma will have an effect on it. To keep the wand in mint condition, make sure to rinse it with warm water after this type of use to wash off any remaining organic particles.
Can you take the Aǹalemma Water Tube on the airlines for travel?
Yes, but please put it in your check-in luggage to be extra cautious. Don’t take it with you in your carry-on luggage because airport security does not allow any liquids in the aeroplane and may force you to leave it behind. Also, be sure that you place it within the soft clothes so that the tube is additionally protected.
If I take Aǹalemma Water Tube with me on my trips when I travel and have to go through the usual security and X-rays at the airports, will it lose its properties?
We tested water treated with the Analemma Coherent Water Tube in many ways through exposure to radiation to see whether it would lose its structure and go back to chaos and it didn’t . Once treated it stays in the state of coherence for years. There are no external detrimental influences (that we are aware of) that degrade the structure and efficiency of Analemma Water Tube water. X rays and scans will not affect Analemma Water Tube in any way.
What products are available currently?
Currently, the Aǹalemma Coherent Water Tube is available for purchase. You can buy from products page
Is this available all over India?
Yes, the product is available all over India where courier or postal services are accessible. If you have specific questions about your location, please write to contact@analemma-water.in
Is this available in other parts of the world?
Currently, Aǹalemma Full Spectrum Coherent Water is available in select countries of the world. Please write to us at contact@analemma-water.com to get more details.

For Americas and Europe, please visit Analemma site for placing your orders.

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